How to Find a Technical Co-Founder for Your Startup in 2024: The Complete Guide

Article by:
Maria Arinkina
15 min
Are you looking to turn your startup idea into a successful product but lack the technical expertise? Look no further. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights on where to find a reliable technical co-founder who will complement your skillset and be an ideal fit for your next venture.

Finding a technical co-founder can differentiate between startup failure and success. Remember Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi who co-founded Dropbox? This partnership lifted them to world fame and a platform valued at over $10 billion. Hence, it's no surprise that many entrepreneurs are on the lookout for the perfect tech partner, as, ideally, it should be someone who will transform the business idea into an exceptional product used by millions.

This guide will explain what technical co-founders contribute across product, operations, and strategy. It will also provide tips on how to get a potential tech co-founder interested in joining your project (especially if you're a non-tech founder). Most valuably, you'll receive a collection of platforms to connect with specialized technical talent and a list of matchmaking services startup accelerators provide.

Without further ado, let's delve into more details of how to find a technical co-founder for a startup.

What Is a Technical Co-Founder?

A technical co-founder is essential for many technology-backed startups, they are the yin to a business-focused founder's yang. This partner brings critical technical skills and strategic thinking to build, manage, and scale the startup's product. Meanwhile, the non-tech co-founder in the duet generally concentrates on the business side, like marketing, product promotion, acquiring customers, and looking for investors.

It is a common scenario that in the earliest stages, startups are bootstrapped (a startup term meaning that the founders chip in to get the project going) and often work toward accomplishing a common vision without much pay. They believe in the project's potential and are working toward building something innovative that will bring profit after some time. Hence, starting a startup is a risk for all involved parties in any case. But, any future profit is shared between the founders and shareholders.

The responsibilities of a technical co-founder generally span three pillars — building product technology, managing data and operations, and advising strategy. Let's explore examples of what a tech partner does.

What Does a Technical Co-Founder Do

Get Your Musk for Product Development

Elon Musk co-founded cutting-edge companies like Tesla and SpaceX after building PayPal. He oversees advanced engineering across industries, from EVs and rockets to brain-computer links. Musk exemplifies the depth of technical product oversight and ambition. If you find a co-founder for a startup, he'll be the one to shape the product from its backbone and onward and architect innovations that influence its future (from the application architecture choice to the possible team composition and project timeline).

Bring Your Own Zuckerberg for Technology Strategy

Mark Zuckerberg remains deeply involved in Meta's product and is now focused on future technologies. He oversees long-horizon innovations around AI, VR/AR, and powering metaverse experiences accessed ubiquitously. His technical strategy is critical for Meta's ability to create category-defining products that engage billions. So, as you attempt to find a technical co-founder, keep in mind the candidate's ability to form a solid tech strategy, as it will be the core of the product used now and in the long run.

Find Brin for Your Startup's Technical Operations

Sergey Brin played a key role in constructing Google's search infrastructure and has since shifted his focus to business leadership. His technical skills were crucial in developing a reliable system capable of handling billions of queries. The expertise of technical co-founders is essential for managing complex technical operations and data systems. As the product's complexity and the tech team grow, having someone with due expertise to orchestrate the processes is integral.

As you see, the technical co-founder takes the visionary concept and repeatedly prototypes, tests, and iterates it into a functioning, market-ready product leveraging technical and operational excellence. This person is equally involved and engaged in the business as you are, as his share is at stake. And every great tech-powered startup has an excellent technical co-founder coding, managing, and strategizing tirelessly behind the scenes.

Does Your Startup Need a Technical Co-Founder?

Before you Google "where to find a co-founder for my startup", dive into another critical question: "Is a technical co-founder necessary for my project?" Having a tech co-founder is crucial for some startups but unnecessary for others. This depends on the stage, product, founder skills, startup funding stages, financial needs, and other factors. Let's overview each case.

When You Do Need a Technical Co-Founder

Technical co-founders crucially fill technology ideation, development, and execution gaps for founders without engineering backgrounds across various stages of startup development. It would be best if you had a technical co-founder in the following scenarios.

When to find a Technical Co-Founder

When You Want to Shape Your "Killer Idea"

Startup founders may gush with bold ideas but often they do not know how to "package" them into something tangible and measurable. Even more so, not all of them know if the idea is doable tech-wise to begin with.

In such cases, a tech co-founder can help by leading the discovery phase, which involves fundamental project planning. This includes everything from the must-build features for the product's first versions to the optimal startup technology stack required to achieve it.

If you find a technical co-founder, this person will be able to make important decisions related to the tech side (such as outlining the system requirements and choosing the best-fit application architecture). He can even give an estimate of the needed man-hours and roles for the scope of work, letting you assess the project in more realistic numbers. Not to mention that he can put forward the possible risks and bottlenecks.

When You Need an MVP

When the time comes to build a minimum viable product, non-tech founders usually can't do much without a technical teammate to back them up. Even though the MVP is just one of the first versions of your product that might only have a few key features, you still need to get it coded, tested, and deployed.

So, the options for getting things done are outsourcing MVP development, finding freelancers, or hiring startup developers to do it for you in-house. Either way, these are tough calls to make for a non-tech founder since you have to:

  • understand what you want to build from the technical perspective;
  • put together the project requirements;
  • be able to evaluate whether the candidates are a good fit (regardless of the hiring path);
  • control the quality of the intermediate results delivered after each milestone.

It goes without saying that having a tech expert on your side to assess what is required and how to bring the project to life best is a safety net for faster and better development, fewer do-overs, and not as many resources put to waste.

When You're Seeking VC Funding and Pitching to Investors

When presenting a business idea to investors, some of the toughest questions they'll ask will likely have to do with the tech part. Having a reliable technical co-founder by your side during pitches will make investors more confident in you as a candidate.

If you're pitching at the early startup stages, a tech co-founder ensures that:

  • it's possible to transform your ideas into a functional product;
  • the product will actually be released;
  • the product has what it takes to scale.

The thing is that investors also care about growth opportunities and that resources aren't wasted on unnecessary things (like coding something from scratch when a plug-in is readily available for integration). Development hours are costly, and, in many cases, the technical capabilities of a product are no less important than the offering itself.

That's why having a technical co-founder on board to handle the tech questions during the Q&A part of the pitch can raise your chances of obtaining funding. This person will outline the plan and be able to comment and elaborate on the tech-related "crumbs" you briefly cover in the pitch deck and presentation if the investors inquire about them.

What is more, if the product is at a further stage of development and you need the funding in order to scale, having a clean product that'll pass the tech due diligence check-up (which investors generally hold when making up their minds) can also make or break it for your attempt to raise capital.

When Your Scaling Challenges Require Technical Expertise

You can plan a level-up in terms of product or startup growth without any investor money, of course. For startups, the scaling phase is where things get really exciting. It's not limited to product or MVP design enhancement or adding a new feature or two.

Expansion requires a lot of planning and a structural approach. What if you were using a no-code tool for your MVP but now grew out of it? How do you rebuild the product most optimally and move all the necessary data? All of that may require some serious knowledge in various areas, including:

  • evaluating and making infrastructure and tech stack choices or upgrades to handle scaling (e.g., the used third-party services, APIs, integrations, frameworks, databases, and so on);
  • dealing with the accumulated technical debt or other problems the solution currently has;
  • ensuring that security and compliance matters and regulatory obligations like GDPR are approached properly, utilizing a checklist for US GDPR compliance to ensure adherence to relevant standards;
  • reassessing the product development roadmap and aligning it with the expansion goals;
  • taking on additional people so the team copes with the workload.

If you have an experienced technical partner, you can expect everything to be done efficiently.

When You Don't Need a Technical Co-Founder

There are several reasons why having a technical co-founder may not be the right decision for you. Here are the main ones.

When not to look for a Technical Co-Founder

When Tech Plays a Minimal Role in Your Product

If technology is not a crucial aspect of your startup idea, you might not have to go through the trouble of finding a technical co-founder. This is particularly true for certain service-based businesses or products that don't rely heavily on tech.

In which cases does technology play a minimal role? For example, if the startup deals with some consulting services, your main focus would be delivering high-quality recommendations. And even though you'll probably need a solution to chat with clients and store their data, tech might play a secondary role, as the main value of your product will lie in the expertise of your advisors. Hence, a tech co-founder won't be as essential as it would be for a SaaS product idea.

When You're Technical Enough to Build the Product Yourself

If you have the necessary skills to bring your tech startup ideas to life and build such a product on your own, you may not need a technical co-founder. For instance, if you have an app idea, already know Python, and have plenty of experience in other app programming languages, a technical partner may not be necessary. Perhaps you should look for a co-founder with a strong background in marketing, sales, or other operations instead to assist you with driving growth.

If You'd Rather Buy Software than Build It

Let's assume you're creating a solution that has to accept payments. To implement such functionality, you can easily integrate an existing third-party API and embed one of the best payment gateways instead of developing a custom solution in-house.

The same goes for using no-code or low-code builders, which could be a way out, provided that you find that off-the-shelf or white-label software meets all your startup's requirements. For example, you can use these solutions to test ideas with simple MVP types. In this event, you may not need to find a technical co-founder and can operate without one (at least for now).

If You're Not Ready to Share Equity or Your Final Say

Another point is if money isn't a concern. When money isn't a constraint, and you have the funds to hire a CTO for your startup and take on a team of developers without the need to give away equity, then you might not need a technical co-founder. You're free to recruit the necessary specialists, pay them salaries, and not share a piece of the pie if and when the product starts bringing back a return on investment.

Likewise, if you believe that you're the one who should make all the calls and final business decisions solo, then a CTO could be enough to serve as your technical advisor. Mind that tech co-founders will have an equal say in the fundamental decisions related to the product and business, and if you don't agree on something, it's a "fair fight".

Frustrated that your startup dreams aren't moving faster?

We can join as your proven technical co-founder to catalyze transformative growth. Drop us a line to kick off the partnership

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Frustrated that your startup dreams aren't moving faster?

We can join as your proven technical co-founder to catalyze transformative growth. Drop us a line to kick off the partnership

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Do Experts Think Finding a Technical Co-Founder Matters?

Should a non-technical founder go through the trouble of finding the perfect tech mind to partner with? Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel from Y Combinator believe that the number one thing that sets apart amazing business founders is their ability to get a great technical co-founder on board, which is crucial if it's a tech startup building a software product that's really tech-based. After all, unlike a qualified software engineer on board who's just an employee, a tech co-founder usually really cares about the product being built, it's a matter of commitment. Here's what they suggest regarding getting technical talent on board and why it's crucial for startups, especially if they want to succeed with startup fundraising.

Who Can Play the Role of a Technical Co-Founder, and What Do They Cost?

A non-technical founder has a few options for establishing such partnerships. So, if you're not sure how to find a technical co-founder, let's first overview the possible options for such a role.

Who could be a Technical Co-Founder

Independent Tech Co-Founder

Bringing on an independent developer or engineer as a technical co-founder lets them focus entirely on building your product vision. They offer specialized expertise in coding and development and typically have plenty of years of experience coding for a salary.

Frequently, developers consider joining a startup, seeing the tech co-founder role as a challenge and career leap. The advantage of such a partnership for a non-tech partner could be the fact that you don't pay a developer salary, offering a technical co-founder equity compensation instead.

However, you have to understand that a developer (although possibly experienced) might lack the required strategic or management background that a tech co-founder should have. Not to mention that if this person is the only one responsible for coding the solution, the project's progress might be slow.

Chief Technical Officer Co-Founder

Seeking someone who has the CTO role as your co-founder could be a level-up. A CTO has strategic and hands-on tech capabilities for building products, hiring and managing teams, and overseeing software delivery, testing, security, and the work of engineers. Therefore, convincing a CTO to become your tech co-founder could grant you access to their expertise in establishing a tech strategy and guiding the development process.

Nonetheless, such specialists are in high demand and have high salary expectations (we're talking a $100k-$150k salary or more), so you might need to offer them more startup equity from the start to get them interested in your project. How much? To give you a very rough estimate, an average 10-20% equity stake and, possibly, a salary on top of that. These are higher overheads, but experience may facilitate execution and delivery.

Software Development Company Co-Founder

Outsourcing product development to an agency keeps operations lean if you compare in-house vs outsourcing. But can you entrust a third-party team to play the role of your tech co-founder? Sure, as long as their priorities align with your needs and they aren't too distracted by other clients.

There are plenty of development firms and agencies offering their services and guidance when building a product. They can advise which technology to use and provide flexibility in terms of team composition (e.g., you can easily increase the engineering team size from the vendor's pool of hired developers if required).

This approach means you'll be paying the team to develop your product (no equity is at stake in this case). But since the developer rates are generally high, you can count on billing anything from $50 to $150 per hour and up based on how many developers you have on the team, their rates, and other factors.

Product Studio as a Technical Co-Founder

Teaming up with a product studio is another option. Such venture studios aren't your classic outsourcing firms, as they seek B2B partnerships to build and grow great products together as a unified team. As a rule, this implies long-term relationships where each party is engaged in the success of the common product that's delivered as a result.

Product studios offer an integrated senior team covering technology, design, data science, and business strategy. Importantly, this is usually a team experienced in rapidly advancing products from 0 to 1 with their own product portfolio to prove it. The experts involved in development are dedicated to your idea, growing the project together from a minimum viable product to after-MVP works and further scaling.

The bottom line is that a product studio tech co-founder is fully engaged, as it can only win from your success. Why? Because of partial ownership of the product.

How does it work? In essence, the team may accept equity in exchange for tech services (generally, partially, if the startup has limited funds at the moment). On average, they require a 10-20% equity stake and revenue share in funded startups, a piece of their pie in subsequent funding rounds.

By housing technology, design, and business strategy together, a product studio technical co-founder handles the tech while you focus on other business areas. This enables you to build momentum early with an aligned expert team. And this model optimizes your startup budget, skills, coordination, and speed better than alternatives:

  • independent developers may lack experience scaling products or managing teams;
  • a lone CTO has high salary demands and might want a lot of equity;
  • outsourcing to agencies can have misaligned priorities across clients.

Comparing Tech Co-Founders by Role

So which one is it? To recap, here's a comparison table summarizing what was described above.

Technical Co-Founder Type Pros Cons
Independent Developer or Engineer No upfront costs, only equity shares. Have lower salaries and overheads than larger teams. May need to gain product strategy or team management experience. Possibly slow progress as a single coder.
Chief Technical Officer Breadth of experience to execute the technology strategy and development. High salary expectations of $100k-$150k or more plus equity may imply significant overhead costs than a lone developer.
Software Development Company Provides guidance on the best-fit tech stack, build the solution. Flexible scaling of team size. Possible prioritization conflicts with other clients or no dedication to your project. Large upfront costs for development.
Product Studio Access to a cross-functional, product-oriented, and fully dedicated team. 10-20% technical co-founder equity plus revenue share in subsequent funding rounds.
Table. Comparing Technical Co-Founder Role Options

The Full List of Places to Find a Technical Co-Founder

Where should you start your search for a perfect technical co-founder? Below we've compiled the go-to places to get you started.

Where to Find a Technical Co-Founder

Networking and Freelance Platforms

You can begin your co-founder hunt on professional platforms and networking sites, including:

  • LinkedIn: a networking platform to search profiles and groups for "technical co-founders"
  • Twitter: follow hashtags and thought leaders to find co-founders
  • Slack: niche chats to join, like CollabHub, and DM potential partners
  • Reddit: crowdsource opinions by posting co-founder criteria on subreddits
  • Fiverr: an affordable way to test small projects with developers
  • Upwork: pre-vetted freelancers for quality screening
  • TopGG: join servers like Discord in your startup niche to match experience levels

Developer and Founder Communities and Platforms

Another direction to consider is startup groups and platforms where founders and tech minds hang out such as: 

Accelerators and Matchmaking Platforms

Certainly, top startup accelerators could be a place to meet co-founders, in fact, some of them even provide special matchmaking functionality to facilitate the process, such as:

  • Y Combinator: Y Combinator is arguably the most prestigious startup accelerator program. Thousands apply every batch to get access to top-tier mentors, networking, and funding opportunities with YC's vast VC network. As part of its Startup School, YC offers a Co-Founder Matching Platform to help co-founders find each other and connect.
  • StartupBootcamp: The structured 3-month cohorts focus on customer acquisition and intense mentorship for raising a seed round. StartupBootcamp offers a matchmaking engine to connect non-technical founders with CTOs and developers screened for relevant expertise. The hands-on environment allows founders to evaluate potential technical co-founders thoroughly.
  • CoFoundersLab: Takes a unique matchmaking approach by assessing founder personalities and values on top of complex skills. Their matching algorithm helps connect non-technical entrepreneurs with technical counterparts for long-term relationships. Founders browse profiles, chat privately, and meet up online or in person at sponsored events across the US. Support tools are provided for building trust through shared goals and setting expectations.

Specialized Web Resources

Stopping by renowned startup directories can also provide you with a few ideas of who to contact:

  • Clutch: feature information about agencies based on project reviews before hiring
  • GoodFirms: lets you easily research and compare potential partners
  • Crunchbase: a place to research tech newcomers


Finally, both online and live events like tech conferences may provide you with the needed networking opportunities:

  • Hackathons: observe developers and teams collaborating and showcasing skills
  • Meetups: attend local events to gauge shared interests
  • Conferences: ample networking opportunities to find niche experts

How to Convince a Technical Co-Founder to Join You

Persuading a potential tech co-founder to become your business partner is much tougher than it seems. Each case is different, yet startups usually don't mean stability, imply investing your own money or working without much payment, and constantly investing lots of hours into the project. It's hard work, and not all people are up for it, as there are no guarantees that the startup will be a success.

After screening the possible candidates or shortlisting those people you're acquainted with who might be interested, DM them or contact them personally to reach out with your pitch, describing your idea in brief and what you're seeking in a tech co-founder. You can also use matchmaking platforms or put up posts on professional social media like LinkedIn.

During the first contact, suggest a meet-up to discuss the details. But, how do you convince them? Here are a few main things that technical co-founders care about when considering the co-founding opportunity.

How to persuade a Technical Co-Founder to join you

The Why and How of Your Project

Tech guys like clarity, so rose-colored vague phrases that sound like dreams more than reality won't help you much. Share why this product has a chance for success (for example, provide your market research), how it'll help people, why the time-to-market is now, and demonstrate its potential and bright future. You'll also need any proof that backs that you're 100% positive that this will work and that you've thought through the business side thoroughly.

Your vision and mission should be clear, too. Saying something like "We help marketers create emails 10x faster" can raise their interest. So note what you believe is necessary for making this idea work and why you need a tech partner to make it happen.

The Tech Behind the Idea

Technical co-founders are usually very enthusiastic about technology. If your product idea gets them excited and they feel that your idea is the very project they've been waiting to participate in for a long time, this can help talk them into joining.

Perhaps, you think that you can apply artificial intelligence innovatively to achieve your goals and make a solution that "exceeds MailChimp". Ask their opinion on the technical aspects of the product, how they'd see it brought to life, and the strategic side to it (use curiosity and purpose-driven innovation to your benefit).

The Equity That's on the Line

Like we've mentioned, money is a touchy subject. Co-foundership often means the need to invest your own resources during the first steps or even work without a monthly salary. But equity and how it'll be shared is what can really get the potential co-founder to consider joining: "If we make it, X% of the profit is yours".

The Proof That You're on the Same Page

Mind how well you and this person get along or how smoothly the communication is flowing. A co-founder is your partner and go-to person, the one you'll work the closest with, so you have to click well (and it works both ways). It's all about establishing trust, sharing a vision and perspective, and being able to cooperate together, mutually complementing each other's skill sets.

Why Upsilon Is Your Technical Co-Founder 

As mentioned earlier, choosing a product studio as a tech co-founder for your startup has its gains. So, why should you partner with Upsilon?

We've got entrepreneurial thinking, not only a technical mindset. We have helped dozens of clients develop their products, but Upsilon isn't your classic outsourcing agency with extensive technical skills. We've actually successfully launched a few of our own products as well. So we won't just handle the tech side of your project but also weigh every decision regarding its business value now and envision how it will grow and scale in the long run.

You can count on us every step of the way, long-term. We're all in for long-term collaboration and cherish relationships that last. We share your aspirations as our own and your success as ours. So, regardless of whether you need MVP development services or are planning a scale-up, we'll be there for you from ideation, planning, and release to investor pitch presentations and consequent product expansion if necessary.

We get your venture's funding situation. We understand that funding can be a touchy subject for many startups that aren't ready for big upfront expenses on development works. So we're open about the partial tech for equity pricing model, offering development services at reduced rates in exchange for negotiable equity rates to help lift inspiring projects off the ground.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us to discuss your project, we'll be glad to chat!

Tired of being deprioritized by dev agencies?

Partner with Upsilon as your technical co-founder for a dedicated focus on your startup

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Tired of being deprioritized by dev agencies?

Partner with Upsilon as your technical co-founder for a dedicated focus on your startup

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Final Word

Technical co-founders are technological experts who turn ideas into working software ready to scale. They architect reliable infrastructure, enabling the entire solution to function tech-wise. And they contribute niche technological perspectives to inform decision-making and product development roadmaps.

Finding the right technical co-founder is crucial for bringing most software-based startup ideas to life. As a non-technical founder, you have several options to provide the specialized expertise needed, each with tradeoffs:

  • independent developers offer deep coding skills but may lack experience guiding strategy or teams;
  • appointing an experienced CTO provides leadership but has high salary demands;
  • outsourcing development to an agency has flexibility but risks mismatched priorities.

An emerging alternative is partnering with a product studio as a technical co-founder. As specialized venture studios, product studios offer an integrated senior team covering technology, design, data, and business. This unified focus enables rapid advancement from early prototypes to market-ready products. A product studio as a co-founder accelerates traction, not just software delivery. So consider a product studio like Upsilon as a tech co-founder if you seek expertise, alignment, and commitment to transform your startup idea into a thriving business.

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